
bags of love

During the holidays, there is a great degree of pressure to give. At work, in the shopping malls, at the grocery stores, literally everywhere you turn, you are being pulled on to give of your financial resource. It's an awesome gesture, but in reality, everyone is not able (or even comfortable) giving monetarily; but that doesn't mean you can't give in some other meaningful way!

The Bags of Love Initiative allows us to give this holiday season, and even ongoing, to others through encouraging, affirming words of kindness. Given the climate of our nation, politically, culturally, and all the ways we seem to be divided, it is nice to know that there are some who still believe in showing compassion to all people.

"More than stuff, we all could stand a simple gesture of love to remind us of the good in the world, specifically, during a time of year that is not always joyous for every person."

The bags include HBA swag, such as stickers and wristbands, as well as a word of kindness from the individual or group who helped comprise the bag. HBA is proud to have Target (Turnesville, NJ) as a proud sponsor of the 2017 holiday initiative.

If your student organization would like to engage in this service project, please contact us at  Please also contact us if you are interested in sponsoring items for the compilation of these bags.